
Dr. Parvathy Vijay

Dental Sciences

Dr. Parvathy Vijay is a Paediatric and Preventive Dentist with years of experience who specialises in paediatric and adolescent dental procedures. She is trained in Paediatric Dental Rehabilitation under General Anesthesia and excels at providing specialised dental care to differently-abled children and medically fragile children. Dr. Parvathy Vijay is also skilled in treating children who are unable to cooperate in a dental room despite behaviour management, children who have an irrational fear of dental treatment, and children with Early Childhood Caries (SEVERE) who are at risk of malnutrition. She has received numerous accolades and prizes in her domain, and many of her articles have been published in various journals. She gives children evidence-based, effective treatment after making them feel at ease, also she is honored to be a member of Federation of Special Care Dentistry.

  •  Certification in Conscious Sedation

  • Paediatric Dental Rehabilitation under General Anaesthesia
  • Age specific intervention of nursing bottle caries/rampant caries of infants and children through adolescence
  • Pulpectomies and pulpotomies of milk tooth
  • Management of trauma to milk tooth and young adult tooth
  • Apexification, apexogensis and revascularization of young permanent tooth
  • Behaviour counselling and psychoeducation and intervention concerning oral habits
  • Tongue tie and frenectomy
  • Growth modification and age specific appliance therapy along with preventive and interceptive orthodontics (myofunctional appliances) in children
  • Dental care towards individuals with special health care needs

English, Malayalam, Hindi