Empowering patients and visitors with knowledge for a safer and healthier hospital experience
Patient & Family Rights and Responsibilities
Rights to be treated with respect for personal dignity and privacy during examination, procedure and treatment.
Right to receive complete information about his/her diagnosis, investigations, treatment plans, alternative treatments, progress and healthcare needs in an understandable language.
Right to refuse treatment and to seek a second opinion with other doctors.
Right to know the identity of individuals providing service.
Right to be informed of the rights of patients and family.
Right to know the hospital rules and regulations.
Right to access his/her clinical records.
Right to respect for special preferences, spiritual and cultural needs.
Right to treat patient information as confidential.
Right to know the expected cost of treatment.
Right to complain and receive information on how to voice a complaint.
Right to be informed consent before anaesthesia, transfusion of blood and blood components, surgery, any invasive / high risk procedure / treatment and initiation of any research protocol.
Right to be protected from physical or verbal abuse and neglect.
Provide complete and accurate information about his / her health, both past and present.
Provide complete and accurate demographic information including phone numbers.
Comply with the visitor policies to ensure the right and comfort of all patients. Be considerate of noise levels, privacy & safety and comply with the no-smoking policy.
Treat hospital staff, other patients, and visitors with courtesy and respect.
To be on time for appointments and to inform about cancellation or rescheduling of appointments in advance.
Provide complete and accurate information for insurance claims.
To follow the prescribed treatment plan carefully and comply with the instructions given.
To accept the measures taken by the hospital to ensure personal privacy and confidentiality of medical records.
To attend follow-up appointments as requested.
Not to take any medications without the knowledge of doctors/healthcare professionals.
Not to give medication prescribed for him/her to others.
To pay bills for the services rendered in a timely manner as per the hospital policies.
Visitors Guide
Visiting time for rooms/wards: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Visiting time for ICUs: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Visitors are allowed for only 10 minutes during the visiting time
Only two attendants are allowed in rooms/wards during the visiting time
Only one attendant is allowed in ICUs during the visiting time
No outside food is allowed for the safety of the patients.