Getting surgery or an invasive procedure that needs anaesthesia is a big deal for anyone. Your care, safety, and comfort before, during, and after your procedure are our highest priorities. The Department of Anaesthesia at Apollo Adlux Hospital uses the most advanced, safest, and patient-centric techniques in the delivery of anaesthetic care. For surgical procedures to be performed successfully without causing the patient any distress or inconvenience, our experts allow the safe usage of medical drugs to induce a reversible state of total or partial lack of responsiveness to the procedure. We also provide non-surgical pain relief, pain management, and critical care management for other medical conditions. Our team of highly skilled and experienced anaesthesiologists provides the highest quality patient care not only in the operation rooms but also outside of it by optimizing pre-operative patient conditions and providing comprehensive patient care during the early postoperative period. The operating rooms at Apollo Adlux Hospital are outfitted with cutting-edge technologies to perform all types of major surgical anesthetic procedures.
MBBS, MD (Anaesthesia), Paediatric Anaesthetist
MBBS, MD (Anaesthesia), PDCC (Cardiac Anaesthesia), MRCA, FRCA (UK), MRCA
MBBS, DA (Anaesthesia), MD (Anaesthesia), PDCC (Cardiac Anaesthesia & Critical Care , Dip of American Board of Echocardiography
MBBS, DA, DNB, DM (Neuroanesthesia & Critical care), DrNB (Neuroanesthesia & Critical care)
MBBS, DA, DNB (Anaesthesia), Fellowship in Ortho- Neuro Anaesthesia)
A Plethora of solutions to all your questions and dilemmas, melt away any confusion or doubts you may have
The anaesthesiologists at Apollo Adlux are specialists at determining the ideal anesthetic strategy for every particular procedure. Throughout the procedure they monitors your vital signs, including blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, and oxygen saturation and during the operation, anaesthesiologist also controls consciousness and sleep. Your anesthesiologist will attempt to resolve any issues that arise during surgery (blood loss, changes in blood pressure, cardiac rhythms, and many more).
The Department of Anaesthesiology, Critical Care, and Pain Management has made significant achievements in improving anaesthetic safety for patients undergoing any surgery. Your anesthesiologist will create a thorough anesthetic plan for you before, during, and after surgery based on your conditions. Please discuss any worries you have regarding Anaesthesia and pain management with your anaesthesiologist prior to surgery.
The kind of Anaesthesia and level of sedation are decided by your surgeon and anaesthesiologist. While general Anaesthesia necessitates full unconsciousness and the use of a breathing machine; regional Anaesthesia procedures offer varying levels of sedation. Many of the sedatives used by your anaesthesiologist might cause amnesia during the procedure, so even though you are awake and coherent during the procedure, you may have no recollection of what happened later.
Any allergies you may have must be reported to your anaesthesiologist prior to your surgery. Your providers must be aware of what you are sensitive to and how you react to those allergens. When you are hospitalized, you will be given a color-coded wristband to signify to your caregivers that you have an allergy.
It is quite rare to awaken during surgery while under general Anaesthesia. You may be able to choose between being wide awake and entirely sleeping throughout your procedure, depending on the anaesthetic technique used and the amount and type of medicines supplied by your anaesthesiologists.
Your anaesthesiologist will do everything possible to keep you comfortable after surgery. Throughout your stay in the recovery room, you will be constantly followed by doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel to ensure a safe and comfortable recovery.