Emergency & Trauma Care

Emergency & Trauma Care

The Department of & Trauma Care at Apollo Adlux Hospital is a multi-disciplinary department committed to providing the best possible care for those in immediate need of medical attention. The team is experienced in providing rapid diagnosis and treatment of all medical emergencies and they use the latest evidence-based medical protocols to provide the most appropriate treatment. The Department is equipped with advanced modern facilities, supported by an integrated group of super specialists and staffs who ensure coordinated emergency and acute trauma care round the clock. We understand the importance of quick and effective treatment when it comes to emergency medicine, and strive to provide the best possible care to all of their patients. Our healthcare providers evaluate patients, determine the severity of their current condition, and administer efficient therapy with holistic care as soon as possible. The most common reasons for seeking emergency care and diagnosis are chest pain, respiratory problems, seizure disorders, injuries, abdominal pain, car accident injuries, and so on. Need help right away? The doctors at Apollo Adlux are ready to save your life.



Scope of Services

  • 24x7 Emergency Services for All Emergencies – Adult & Paediatric 
  • Round-the-clock Services of Specialist Emergency Physicians 
  • Round-the-clock Multi-disciplinary/Multispeciality Care for all Medical/ Surgical/ Paediatric/ Gynaecological/ Neuro (Medical & Surgical) / Gastro / Orthopaedic / ENT/ Oncology/ Psychiatric/ Urological / Toxicological Emergencies 
  • Dedicated Advanced Trauma Care Facilities & Team 
  • Toxicology Care (Including all Animal Bites, Snake Bites, Insect Stings, Poisoning and Drug Over-dosage)
  • Acute Stroke Care Including Thrombolysis & Mechanical Thrombectomy 
  • Acute Coronary Care Unit with Facilities for the Management of Cardiac Arrhythmias, Transcutaneous Pacing, and 24x7 Access to the Cath Lab for Patients Presenting with Acute Myocardial Infarction 
  • Adult & Paediatric Advanced Airway Management 
  • Invasive & Non–invasive Mechanical Ventilation 
  • Needle & Tube Thoracostomy 
  • Burns Care (up to 35% Body Surface Area Burns) 
  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support 
  • Level-D Ambulance Services 
  • Telemedicine Services – Integration of Telemedicine Technologies for Remote Consultations or Transfer Coordination, If Necessary. 

Get to Know our Team of Experts


A Plethora of solutions to all your questions and dilemmas, melt away any confusion or doubts you may have

If you have any of the following symptoms or issues, you should seek emergency treatment right away: head injuries, chest pain, stroke symptoms, difficulty breathing, uncontrolled bleeding, sudden or intense pain, serious burns, or fractured bones.

  • Bleeding.

  • Breathing difficulties.

  • Someone collapses.

  • Fit and/or epileptic seizure.

  • Severe pain.

  • Heart attack.

  • A stroke

When to visit an emergency department for treatment relies on a variety of factors. If your current situation poses a risk of death or long-term disability, go right away to the emergency department.

The insertion of intercostal chest tubes for drainage, pleural fluid sampling, ascitic fluid tapping, and suturing of lacerations are minor surgical operations that emergency doctors do. Major surgeries and intricate laceration repairs will be carried out by surgeons.

Stroke is a severe neurological emergency. It needs to be dealt with as quickly as possible. One-sided weakness, mouth deviation, and irregular speech are signs of stroke that appear suddenly. Unless proven otherwise, any new neurological impairment or sudden onset of headache, blurred vision, altered speech, or other neurological symptoms should be thought of as a stroke with vascular origin. As soon as you notice any of the aforementioned stroke symptoms, call the closest hospital with a stroke centre right away.