
Department of Neonatology

Welcome a new baby into the world is one of life's most rewarding experiences, but it can also be a time of uncertainty. To ensure that your newborn is safe and healthy, it is important to seek out the right health care. The Department of Neonatology at Apollo Adlux Hospital offers comprehensive newborn health care. Our expert neonatologists along with neonatal intensive care unit team work around-the-clock to provide comprehensive treatment to every newborns. We provide state-of-the-art NICU facilities with different level of care. To ensure the safety and health of new babies, we offer in-house digital X-ray, ultrasound, echocardiogram, and a wide range of screening tests. We provide the new parents and the newborn nutritional management to ensure their healthy living and growth.



Scope of Services

  • Neonatal Invasive Ventilation 
  • Non-invasive Ventilation 
  • High-frequency Ventilation Inhaled Nitric Oxide 
  • Phototherapy
  • Exchange Transfusion 
  • Care of Extremely Preterm Babies 
  • Care of Sick Newborn
  • Parenteral Nutrition 
  • Neonatal Surgery 
  • Neonatal Transport Ventilator
  • Retinopathy of Prematurity Screening and Laser Treatment
  • Normal Newborn Care  
  • Lactational Counsellor – Breastfeeding Support Neuro-Developmental Follow-up 
  • Hearing Screening 
  • Vaccinations 
  • Metabolic Screening


  • Radiant Warmer 
  • LED Phototherapy unit 
  • Neonatal Multipara Monitors 
  • Invasive BP Monitoring Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
  • Neonatal Echocardiogram, Neuro Sonogram, MRI and CT Scan 
  • Inhaled Nitric Oxide Therapy
  • Trans Cutaneous Bilirubin Meter

Procedures done:

  • Intubation and Ventilation  
  • Surfactant Administration
  • Blood Gas Monitoring  
  • Umbilical Venous / Artery Catheterization
  • Neonatal Surgery
  • Exchange Transfusion
  • Blood Components Transfusion Total Parenteral Nutrition
  • Lumbar Puncture 
  • ICD Insertion
  • Radiological – MRI /CT Scan/Neurosonogram

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The majority of babies admitted to the NICU are premature (born before 37 weeks of gestation), have a low birthweight, or have a medical condition that necessitates particular care. Twins, triplets, and other multiples are frequently brought to the NICU because they are born early and are smaller than single birth babies. The NICU also provides treatment for babies who have medical disorders such as heart difficulties, infections, or birth deformities.

There are various causes of premature birth, however in half of all cases, no cause has been identified. Premature birth is sometimes induced by the body's reaction to certain illnesses, such as those involving amniotic fluid and foetal membranes. Prematurity is also produced in some situations by early induction due to health issues in the mother or foetus.

Women who have previously delivered prematurely, are pregnant with twins, triplets, or more, and have uterine or cervical abnormalities are at the highest risk of delivering prematurely. Premature birth might also be influenced by one's lifestyle. Women who do not receive prenatal care, as well as those who smoke, drink, or use illegal substances, are at a higher risk. Domestic abuse has also been linked to premature birth. Premature newborns can also be caused by medical diseases such as infections, high blood pressure, diabetes, and clotting issues.

The phrase means "apnea and bradycardia." Apnea happens when a premature baby's breathing pauses for a brief amount of time due to an undeveloped respiratory centre in the brain. Apnea is frequently associated with a slower-than-normal heart rate (bradycardia). Caffeine is used to treat apnea till the baby matures.

We greatly promote breastfeeding; but, depending on the degree of immaturity, the newborn may not be able to breast-feed right away. Some premature newborns (those born after 34 weeks of gestation) are unable to synchronise sucking and swallowing and must be tube fed. We recommend that you begin pumping your breasts as soon as possible after giving birth. We will administer breast milk through a tube implanted directly into the baby's stomach until he or she is able to nurse directly from the breast.