Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

The department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery at Apollo Adlux Hospital provides the best care possible with the assistance of the best surgeons in the area. Our team of highly experienced surgeons specializes in the surgical aspects of the oral cavity, face, jaws, orofacial region, skull, head, and neck, as well as associated structures. We also focus on the management of facial cosmetic surgery or facial plastic surgery, which includes cleft lip and palate surgery, head and neck trauma, as well as the management of orofacial cancers. The department benefits our patients by sharing the best medical facilities, including OT, Surgical ICUS, 24/7 hour causality, inpatient beds, and advanced diagnostic aids. We endeavour to provide the best possible care for our patients, making them as comfortable and informed as possible throughout the procedure. At every step of the process, our team is available to support and care.


Scope of Services

  • Advanced face & jaw disorders management 

  • Orthognathic surgery

  • Implants 

  • Biopsy 

  • Tooth extraction 

  • Surgical extraction of impacted tooth 

  • Management of facial bone fracture 

  • Management of Facial and head and neck trauma 

  • Management of Orofacial cancers

Get to Know our Team of Experts


Limiting your exposure to the sun is the best prevention against developing skin cancer. The main cause of skin cancer is prolonged exposure to the sun's UV rays. This entails forming healthy behaviours like photo protection with limited sun exposure, wearing protective clothing, and applying sunscreen.

An Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon is a specialist that specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of facial issues such as the jaw, mouth, and teeth. These issues vary from tooth extraction to oral cancer and reconstructive surgery.

The length of your recovery from oral surgery is determined by how well you relax and allow your operation site to heal. Avoid foods that require a lot of chewing, such as crunchy foods. Make sure to rinse frequently and maintain the area clean. Take your meds as directed and stay hydrated. Rest and relaxation will help you get back to your normal daily routines faster.

After oral surgery, many pasta dishes and casseroles are soft enough to consume. Hot soups or stews with cooked veggies or beans are also excellent options. You can stuff yourself on fish served with rice or risotto. Another filling yet simple dish is meatloaf with noodles, mashed potatoes, or cauliflower.

Oral maxillofacial surgeons are oral surgeons who have received further training to deal with more complex dental and medical problems. These highly trained surgeons have considerable expertise in oral medicine and frequently treat issues involving the head, mouth, jaws, and neck.

  • Rest on the day of your oral surgery.
  • Take your medications exactly as directed.
  • Keep Clean Mouth.
  • Don't Push Yourself.
  • Eat no hard or crunchy foods.
  • Do not smoke for 24 hours.