
Department of Pulmonology

Apollo Adlux Hospital is the trusted name for providing state-of-the-art services in the field of pulmonary medicine. Our expert team of doctors and other healthcare professionals are always on hand, to help you deal with any pulmonary disease. We provide holistic care with the assistance of friendly and knowledgeable staff, well-versed in handling all types of respiratory issues. We offer a full range of pulmonary diagnostic services and we treat all respiratory conditions, in close collaboration with Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Radiology and Thoracic Surgery. Our team of highly skilled and experienced pulmonologists provides individualized care for each patient, using the latest diagnostic techniques and treatment modalities. We also offer educational support to help our patients manage their conditions better. Our goal is to provide our patients with the best possible care, so that they can lead happy and healthy lives.


Scope of Services

  • Outpatient clinics for assessment and management of all respiratory diseases
  • Pneumococcal and influenza vaccination
  • Smoking cessation clinics and lung cancer screening
  • Pulmonary function testing, including diffusion capacity and six-minute walk test
  • Blood gas analysis
  • Allergy skin prick testing 
  • Inhaler, nebulizer and nasal spray technique demonstration
  • Breathing exercises and sputum clearance technique demonstration
  • Biologic therapy for severe asthma and allergy
  • Inpatient management of all respiratory diseases, including respiratory critical care
  • Fibreoptic bronchoscopy, including bronchoalveolar lavage, bronchial brushings/ biopsy
  • Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) Guided TBNA
  • Thoracic ultrasound
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic pleural aspiration
  • Chest drain and pleural catheter insertion, including IPC
  • Medical thoracoscopy
  • Intrapleural fibrinolytic therapy and pleurodesis
  • Home oxygen therapy
  • Limited sleep study and PAP titration
  • Home CPAP and BiPAP therapy

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